11 September 2011

Finally a Free Moment

I have literally not had a second to sit down and write on this, let alone do fun crafty things that I basically spent my summer doing. Since I do finally have a free moment I wanted to share all the little personal touch/homemade things that I've put around my room to make it my own.

Earlier in the summer I posted about how I had an idea to make my own chalkboard. Well ladies and gentlemen, this is the finished product and I love it. It's not perfect looking and a little rough since I didn't sand it enough but hey homemade things never turn out perfect. I do love it though. Originally I bought chalk but I found that I couldn't really write super legibly so I had to buy chalk markers which are definitely a better option since they don't rub off and it's really bright. So yay! One project from this summer successfully completed!

This is a project I did 2 summers one night when I was incredibly bored (clearly) and it's probably one of my favorite things that  I've ever made. ( I apologize for the glare from my window) I used cut up ads from magazines and grouped them based on color. I saw a painting that was kinda similar to this.. circles and squares and stuff.. so I put my own spin on it. I love the colors and how when you look at it up close you suddenly see all of the magazines. The best compliment I think I ever got on my stuff that I've made was someone asking me where I bought this piece :)

One of the things I get every Christmas is a calendar and I always insist that it be "weird and artsy" so I usually get whatever Whole Foods is selling. Love their stuff. But anyways each month always has really great pictures and quotes and I've saved the past few calendars I've gotten. I like to use the pictures and hang them around my room, not only are there great quotes but the pictures are really unique. The top picture is hanging on my wardrobe and I have a few others from that calendar around my room. I used black electrical tape as a 'frame'. Super cheap. The bottom picture is above my desk and I love how the 4 are placed so it's like individual pictures but also one big piece.

This year my windows have really deep windowsills (love it) but I'm on the first floor so I have bars on them. Boo North Philly! I did luck out though and get these pretty bars rather than typical jail looking ones. I also lucked out because the bars are spaced just wide enough so I could fit some things on them to decorate it and add a pop of color. I'm obsessed with Arizona Green tea and also fake flowers so I've got 3 vases, photos of my parents and old dog Lacey (rip <3), candles (LOVE candles!), a card my mom gave me a few years ago, and other odds and ends.

One little last touch in my apartment. I dabbled in grayscale painting this summer cause I was bored and I practiced on this little 4x4 canvas. Such a baby canvas I love it. Thermostats are kind of ugly and boring so I threw this little painting on top of it and bam, it's more interesting.

Hopefully my schedule will continue to give me a day now and again so I can keep updating everyone on all the fun things going on during my senior year at Temple!


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