27 October 2011


I am knee deep in grad school apps/recs, scheduling for my last semester at Temple, and applying to graduate and it's all making me very nostalgic for the past and finally hitting me that I have to grow up and be a real person whether I want to or not.

I totally miss the days when summer meant being lazy and getting super tan and sleeping in til noon. Where my biggest worry was whether I'd have enough change for the snack bar at the pool to get a chipwich. Now summer means no class... in other words time to work as much as I possibly can to save up to pay for bills or forgo saving money and attempt to stack my resume with an internship and some valuable volunteer experience. Given my collection of freezer-burn popsicles currently sitting in my freezer at school, I think I'm trying a little too hard to hold onto those ideal summers and not hard enough to figure out what city and state I'll be living in this summer... as a college graduate.. womp.

I totally miss the days where I could afford to go to movies at the movie theater. What is this $10 a movie ticket crap? Remember those days when tickets were so cheap that maybe, just maybe, you could afford some popcorn. Or in my case.. if you were lucky.. you'd get "the yellow bag".
 Yeah that's right. We asked for popcorn and got the yellow bag. Aka all the extra popcorn that they trash at the end of the night. Best late night show of Napolean Dynamite ever.

I miss the days when homework meant doing a crossword puzzle and maybe a study guide if it was a bad night. Or when I'd be so stressed about projects where I only had to bake food (my mom really made it) and I would dress up as a Renaissance princess.

I miss the years when people would play in the snow with me and build really awesome snow forts, complete with slides that twisted around my entire yard and huge snow climbing walls. How about lemonade stands? And when I thought making $10 from a long day of standing out in the sweltering heat screaming "GET YOUR LEMONADE" was a great profit. I totally miss the days of shopping only at Limited Too because it just made everything so much easier. Shopping in one store. Everything was bright and neon so it all matched. Made dressing myself so simple. Although in retrospect I do slightly question why my mom bought me lime green pants that I literally wore every week.

I literally could go on and on but alas I need to stop procrastinating and do something worthwhile with my time.

1 comment:

  1. i love this post, that picture: we look so happy, and WERE! and WILL BE! love you :)
